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Interesting Finance Links #1
Here are some interesting finance related links that I dug up or were submitted to me. If you would like to submit a link to your blog/website read the criteria here.
US Stocks Surge On Consumer Confidence Report
Stock reaction to GM may be one of relief
Energy shares rise as broad market rallies
View of the Day: Higher oil won?t derail recovery
Stock Market Rally Over, Prepare for New Bear Market Lows
Dollar & Deleveraging Interventionism(or better TAX DOLLARS) at WORK , or why is the inverted TED Spread is praising that we have found the new holy land…..
S&P: Home prices fall by record 19.1 percent in 1Q (AP)
US consumer confidence leaps to 8-month high
Why the FTSE’s rally is doomed
New Normal of 2% GDP Growth Coincides With Biggs
Does 2009 Bear an Uncanny Resemblance to 1938?
Falling Dollar Good For Google?
Happy Reading. Grab the iamned.com RSS feed for instant updates.
Submit Your Link To IamNed.com
Now is your chance to spam iamned (well sort of). If you have an article that relates to finance, technical analysis, or economics I will post a link to it under a post called ?cool links? where your link will be displayed on the front page. It doesn?t matter if the article is bearish or bullish. The goal is to present differing, interesting viewpoints.
Just send an email to submit(at)iamned.com with the URL of your article, title, your alias, and a brief description of the article.
This way you get a free back link from iamned, traffic, and exposure.
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